2024 EDI, Code of Conduct, & Guidelines

The CUPC 2024 organizing committee is dedicated to ensuring that the experience of each attendee and any stakeholder is enjoyable. To this end, we believe providing a safe and inclusive environment is of the utmost importance. 


Policies on Discrimination and Harassment

Attendees at CUPC 2024 are expected to remain respectful of all individuals, attendees or other bystanders at the conference venues. To this end, harassment and discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, religion, ethnicity, age, level of education, field of education, political affiliation, or any other kind will not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Deliberate inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language.
  • Offensive or off-putting jokes/comments.
  • Stalking or following of any kind.
  • Sending or displaying offensive or inappropriate photography or recordings.
  • Non-consensual photography of other attendees.
  • Continual disruption of events.

We ask that attendees use the aforementioned and their best judgment to discern and classify discriminating and harassing behavior. 


Sponsors, in particular, should not display or share any offensive symbols, speech, sexualized images, activities, or other material of the aforementioned kind. Graduate Studies and Industry Fair participants and staff should not use sexualized or offensive clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create an unwelcoming environment for conference attendees. 


Disruptive Behavior

Please limit any disruptive behavior (loud sounds, chat messages, background noise, phone notifications, etc.) where applicable and possible. Repetitive disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, and consequences will be decided privately at the discretion of the CUPC 2024 organizing committee. 



Sharing any attendee’s personal information with outside sources is prohibited without explicit consent, and delegates are prohibited from recording events. CUPC 2024, in particular, will not share any private information with sources outside of the CUPC 2024 organizing committee without explicit consent. Any photography, recordings, or other media content made by the CUPC 2024 organizing committee will be made available to attendees after the conference. Any privacy requests or violations in said media content will be taken extremely seriously, and be handled by the CUPC 2024 organizing committee as soon as possible.


Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

Any of the outlined, or otherwise inappropriate behavior or speech is unacceptable at any of the conference venues, during any conference events, and on any online communication platforms associated with the conference. Conference attendees found violating the code of conduct will be removed from the conference without refund, along with further consequences such as bans from future events, at the discretion of the CUPC 2024 organizing committee.


Reporting Harassment or Inappropriate Behavior

If any attendee is, or notices someone else, being harassed, please contact a member of the CUPC 2024 organizing committee immediately. The organizing committee can be contacted via email and Instagram. The conference staff will be happy to assist any attendees or bystanders at the venues experiencing harassment, and will actively work to ensure that the conference environment is safe, inclusive and welcoming to all. 


Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct

By registering for, or otherwise attending CUPC 2024, attendees and stakeholders confirm they have read and agreed to the aforementioned code of conduct.

The CUPC 2024 Organizing Committee at UBC Vancouver is proud to announce our hosting of the 60th edition of CUPC. We are currently working on the website, so please stand by while we upload all the information needed for a successful conference. If you have an urgent concern, please email cupc@phas.ubc.ca and one of our student executives will reply as soon as possible.