2024 Contact Us

We would love to get in touch with you!

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If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via the email below.

Email: cupc@phas.ubc.ca

Bidding to host CUPC 2025

Please consider submitting a bid to host CUPC 2025!  The CUPC 2024 Planning Committee is happy to help you by answering questions about the organization process or by sharing relevant documents (e.g. our budget) so that you have some idea of what you are looking at.

Here is a handy checklist for delegates interested in submitting a bid:

  • Read the 2023 CUPC Bid Guide created by the University of Guelph team.
  • Consult with your Department Chair/Head before CUPC – the CAP requires proof (typically a letter of support from your department) that you have the support of your department to host this conference.
  • As a student-run initiative, some universities may require that you submit a risk management plan or some other form of documentation. Do your homework!
  • If you have the appropriate approvals in place, please send an email expressing your interest to cupc@phas.ubc.ca so that we can set aside time for your presentation during the final banquet. Presentations should aim for 10 minutes in length.


The CUPC 2024 Organizing Committee at UBC Vancouver is proud to announce our hosting of the 60th edition of CUPC. We are currently working on the website, so please stand by while we upload all the information needed for a successful conference. If you have an urgent concern, please email cupc@phas.ubc.ca and one of our student executives will reply as soon as possible.