2024 Student Presentations

  • Student Oral and Poster Presentations are essential to the Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference, as science communication is a fundamental skill for students seeking careers or opportunities in STEM. These presentations provide an opportunity for students to practice science communication, through sharing information on topics of interest, or on research done during co-ops and other internships.
  • For students interested in doing an Oral or Poster Presentation at CUPC 2024, please fill out the abstract submission form. The form will have a soft deadline at September 1st, 2024, after which further abstracts will only be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Abstract review period will take place after the soft deadline, and the finalized list of presenters’ names will be posted soon after. The CUPC 2024 organizing committee will prioritize at least one presentation for every applicant, and only then accommodate a second presentation by the same applicant. Prizes may be awarded for outstanding presentations.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by a team of UBC Physics professors and graduate students to ensure fair assessment for all applicants. Please note that abstracts submitted before the soft deadline will be judged on quality, not on the timing of submission, so take your time writing and perfecting your abstract!
  • Good luck to all applicants! We look forward to seeing all your abstracts, and we will be in touch with more information regarding presentation guidelines closer to the end of the summer.
  • If you have any questions or need extra guidance writing your abstract, feel free to contact us.


Accepted Presentations

The following presentations have been accepted and the speakers have been notified via email. This list is not complete and will be updated regularly. We are still accepting abstracts on a rolling basis.

If your presentation has been accepted and you are no longer able to attend the conference, please let us know ASAP via email cupc@phas.ubc.ca.

If you have been accepted for a presentation and you have not yet registered for the conference, please remember to do so by October 1st to ensure that you will receive a complete merchandise package.



Speaker Title
Alexis Hilts Using single-molecule and bulk techniques to explore the biophysics of secondary structure formation in supercoiled DNA plasmids
Joshua Himmens JetPointnet: A Machine Learning Approach to Cell-to-Track Attribution in the ATLAS Experiment
Taiki Shickele Ab initio Combined Neutrino Mass Limits from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Angela Sabzevari Gonzalez Electron Beam Optics in the e-Linac for DarkLight
Tashi Wangchuk Inductive Losses in Conductive Samples
Alex Hayes Luminescence Testing of Materials in the Scintillating Bubble Chamber Experiment
Keiran Nicholson Exploring the Directionality of Particle-Induced Events for the NEWS-G Dark Matter Detector
Karalee Reimer Antiproton Interactions at Belle II
Clara Knox Developing a cost-effective phantom for a novel magnetic brain imaging system
Ashvini Muralitharan Broken to Pieces: The Way Thin Films Crack
Una Rajnis Implementing Pulse Compression Techniques for Four-Wave Mixing
Annika Kienast Fabrication of Quantum Emitters Using Strained Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
Benjamin Scully Standard Model Mixology: Exploring Up-Down Quark Mixing through Ab-Initio Nuclear Theory
Fangzheng Qu Study of electron transport in 2D semiconductors using pump probe differential reflection techniques
Sidney Shapiro Development of Alpha Spectrometry for Diagnostics of TAT on Cancer Cells in Vitro.
Ravleen Kaur Resolving PSOs in image from ground-based telescope
Vanessa Smith Microcavity effect simulation in thin-film materials for applications in perovskite solar cells
Carson Leslie Characterizing sources of noise in a mobile magnetic brain imaging system
Pranav Advani From WWII to NASA: The Lost Art of Making Super Sensitive Permalloy Based Fluxgate Magnetometers
Denaisha Kraft Non-Prompt and Fake Lepton Background Analysis for Doubly Charged Higgs Boson Searches
Josephine Brewster  Top Quark Pair and QCD Multijet Backgrounds in the hh → bbbb Boosted Analysis with ATLAS
Jacob Atkinson Development of a Treatment Planning Software for a Kilovoltage Radiotherapy System
Sophie Gans Storage of Optical Pulses in Cold Atoms
Paul Richter Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics for Astrophysics
Bentley Turner Two Coupled Modes in a Trenchcoat: Demystifying Non-Hermitian Absorption and Transmission Spectra
Thomas Benjamin Lacroix X-ray and Neutron Reflectometry of a Thin Film Helimagnet
Evelyne Hluszok Impact of Acceptance Angle on Image Quality for Fourier Rebinned Monte Carlo-Generated PET Data
Aran Karagonlar Finding Pluto from Pixels
Dao Thai Uyen Pham A Database of Transit Timing and Duration Variations Induced by Systemic Proper Motion
Jack Myra Characterization of Epitaxial Mn3Ge Thin Films Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Simon Ghyselincks Structural Geology Meets Deep Learning
Chantal Hemmann Eyes on the Skies with Thunderbird South: First Insights into Exoplanetary Observations and Space Sustainability
Cecilia Soroco Cognitive Flocks: Information Propagation And Threat-Induced Dynamics



Presenter Title
Aidan Mikael Mohammed The Effects of a Heavy Jupiter-like Planet on Earth’s Orbit
Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Temporal Naturalism in Quantum Cosmology
Mark Choi The AdS/CFT Correspondence: From Spacetime Geometry to Quantum Field Theories.
Paul Graham Optimizing Crab Cavities with Higher Order Mode Dampers for the Electron-Ion Collider
Michaela Hishon The Importance of Physics Outreach in Attracting More Students to Physics
Tavleen Kainth High Precision Photomultiplier Tube Non-Linearity Tests for the MOLLER Experiment
Zoe Kartsonas Determination of the Superfluid Density in the Vortex State of Sr2RuO4 by μSR
Taiki Shickele Ab initio Combined Neutrino Mass Limits from Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Maggie Berube A Compton Suppression Spectrometer for nuclear safeguards and security applications
Savero Lukianto Chandra High-Performance Seismometers based on Parallel Dipole Line Magnetic Trap
Ellen Brisley Identity Crisis: Distinguishing Between Isomers & Ground States With TITAN’s Time Of Flight Analyzer
Michael Baker Modelling GaN and InGaN Nanowires with Non-Uniform Dopant Concentrations
Mattia Altomare Designing an Algorithm for the Control of an Inverted Pendulum
Bennett Winnicky-Lewis Position Calibration for the MATHUSLA Test Stand
Kathleen Nicole Dunn Tamura Permanent Magnets and Magnetic Field Reconstruction for Stability in Qutrit Analysis
Simon Ghyselincks Structural Geology Meets Deep Learning
Ashwati Sanjay Optimising cryogenic vibration isolation for a superfluid dark matter detector
Leyla Saraj Quantum fluid meets Nanotechnology: Behaviour of Superfluid Helium-3 in Confined Geometries
Ellitot Andew Exploratory Investigation of Microplastic Detection in Municipal Organic Waste
Izzy Kim Improved Diagnostics for TRINAT Spin Polarization
Marusia Shevchuk Towards a transfer learning strategy for ultrasound-based automatic segmentation of organs-at-risk in gynecologic brachytherapy
Ian Lu Calo4pQVAE: A Quantum-assisted 4 Partite VAE Surrogate for Particle-Calorimeter Interactions


The CUPC 2024 Organizing Committee at UBC Vancouver is proud to announce our hosting of the 60th edition of CUPC. We are currently working on the website, so please stand by while we upload all the information needed for a successful conference. If you have an urgent concern, please email cupc@phas.ubc.ca and one of our student executives will reply as soon as possible.